Monday, April 9, 2012

Reading Place Final Essay

Westfield: Business like suburban campus

          Of all of the campuses that I have visited or have viewed in some other way, I have always found Westfield State University to be very unique.  As I can see, all of the buildings are built from brick. This is different while looking at other campuses, as most are made from cement or some other type of building material. I have wondered if the values of the school are for the purpose of giving the college a more sophisticated look of a business. Also the fact that the campus is covered with trees, makes it seems like it belongs in a suburb. What could this business suburb campus possible symbolize?
       Many may wonder what makes this campus so different from others. First off, it is much smaller than many colleges. The buildings are very close to each other, making it a small time interval to travel from class to class. This is also the green, which simply goes from one end of the campus to the other. With the use of bricks and the campus being so small, it can show how the campus can be seen as a business. 
Many may wonder why the bricks can make the campus seem like a business but in a suburban setting. Well first off, what about the use of bricks gives the campus that type of setting. The number one reason why bricks are used is because they last the longest and are the most efficient. Bricks are very sustainable when building too. So it isn't necessarily seeing the bricks that make the campus a business but the characteristics of the bricks. Anyone who runs a business wants it to be long term and efficient, just like how bricks are that efficient too. The bricks also give the campus that nice feeling to it because the do look better than the cement buildings and with the peaceful campus, Westfield State is turned into a business like suburban area. The bricks symbolize how the students are more focused on earning there degree (college experience can be seen as a business set up), but the suburban setting throws it off, as you would expect any non city like place to be less formal.   The use of the bricks with the suburban setting can be supported by many sources, but it is what the students believe as well. Do the students like the use of bricks because they feel like they are in a business setting just trying to get there degree and be successful and is the suburban set up of the campus made for a certain purpose so students can enjoy themselves more? I do agree with this, as James Kunstler, William Whyte and the UCLA students make good points in there essays that apply to the campus.
In the article Eden Updated, James Kunstler talks about how things are set up in a certain way to give people what they want. This can apply to the Westfield State Campus, as it gives every student a good feeling because it is so beautiful. Kunstler says, “The new nation would become this fabled land of peace and plenty” (42). This quote can apply to the campus because many students do see Westfield State as their Arcadia. They are paying money to get their degree, so they hope to have a nice campus, as we think we deserve it. This all comes back to the business like suburban campus, as we feel like we are in a business setting (spending all this money), but the campus is set up with the trees and walk ways to give a nice look it too.
Also mentioned in the Kunstler article “Eden Undated,” he says, “The lazily curved streets were lined with these trees” (49). This quote is exactly what the campus looks like. The streets that are running throughout the campus are curved and trees are all along them. This gives our campus more of a suburban look than a campus that you might see in the city. This applies to how the campus is suburban and business like because it gives a nice view, along with the brick buildings being up to date but not being in a city like area. That they campus is so well taken care of, anyone can see how nice of a place it is too live. The students attitude towards it is expressed on how well we use the campus and take care of it, showing the sophisticated side that we have to us as well, not only the campus. As Kunstler says, “a place worth caring about” (50).
A movie that also mentions on how to create an outdoor social place is, “The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces by, William Whyte. This applies to Westfield State campus, because that exactly what it is. Students love the view that they see when they are on the campus green, as it reflects everything that this campus stands for.  Whyte says, that people don't not gather in the middle of spaces but on the edges of places. This idea fits perfectly with the campus, as more of the sitting places are around the building and dorms that are on the outside edge of campus. There are actually no sitting places on the green at all, unless you sit down on the grass itself or pull a chair over. This shows how this campus is set up in a suburban way, as more students are likely to sit close to the buildings. This would be frequently seen more in a suburban area than a city, which is mostly filled, will tall buildings and less places to sit. Even though there are no specific places to gather, the students here still find places to social interact with each other.
It is also said to believe that kids who attend college are simply here for their degree and do not care if that actually learn anything in their classes at all. Every student knows that a passing grade will get them a degree for them to be successful in the end. This is where the use of bricks on the building comes into play.  In the article, “ Ask not what you can do for your University, but what your University can do for you,” by the UCLA students, they express how students attitude have changed over time, as all we want to do is earn our degree than actually learn something. This can be expressed through the use of bricks on the buildings. That all buildings on campus are made from brick and nothing else, it give a business like sophisticated look to the school. Also the characteristics of the bricks reflect a business, as both are there for long term use and hope to be profitable.  They way that the building are also set up gives the campus a more business feel to it than a place to learn. When business is said it means that we spend thousands of dollars to get a degree but hoping that degree in the end will make us a profit. The UCLA students said, “Undergraduates invest tuition money to attend classes, and in turn, expect to receive a degree that will then precipitate a financially successful career” (293). This can apply to our campus because they way that it is set up compared to other campuses. For example UMASS Dartmouth buildings are all made from cement and are big blocks. The campus here at Westfield has unique building that are all set up differently than each other, other than the fact that they are all made out of brick. 
The use of brick gives the business like feel to our campus but it also makes it a suburban campus too. In a city you would find the building to be much taller and made from cement, giving it that city like feeling. But here on our campus you can still feel professional but in a suburban setting. For example, in the library there are now cubicles that you would also be used in many office buildings.  As the students here can see the campus as a purchase, the UCLA students say, “The University functions as a business with monetary considerations. ( 293). This applies to the campus in many ways as the campus set up is very easy for students to come and go as they please while attending class, giving them the opportunity to learn if they wish too. This shows the whole idea of the campus becoming a business because the students are more focused on earning these degree  by spending money to be successful, just like a business does. For a business to become successful, first they must spend money and in turn hope to make a profit from it. 
In the end, the campus here at Westfield State is very nice. As many believe students attend campus to better themselves in education, but depending on how a campus is set up, might be otherwise. Even though the campus is a very classy business environment like suburban areas, it can still distract many. I have wondered if the values of the school are for the purpose of giving the college a more sophisticated look of a business. Also the fact that the campus is covered with trees, makes it seems like it belongs in a suburb. The business like suburban campus symbolizes how serious people are about being successful in college so they can be successful after they have graduated too.  This can show the university values because the school just wants best for it students. 

          Works Cited
Kunstler, James. "Eden Updated" Geography of Nowhere. 1994. New York: Simon and Schuster. 39-57
Social Life of mall Urban Places. Dir. William Whyte. Municipal Museum of New York.   

UCLA Students. “ Ask Not What You Can Do For Your University But What Your 
University Can Do For You.” Other Words. David Fleming. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt. 2009. 293-296. Print.


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